LinkedIn Could Never Be More Important than NOW!


If your marketing strategy is primarily focused on B-2-B, you are probably missing opportunities right now to continue to build relationships with your clients or to make an impact on potential new ones! Even engaging with your own employees and making sure that they are connecting with your clients is critical.

I want to help you get your profile updated, develop content strategies for branding your business, and train you in how to target your potential customers through LinkedIn!

Why is this important?

  • It will give you focus to accomplish authentic marketing while you and/or your employees are probably having more time for social media engagement…share in the effort!
  • More people are online now, which gives you that much more traffic.
  • LinkedIn continues to be the strongest platform for converting engagement to sales.
  • The strongest competitors in your industry, once we get beyond the coronavirus crisis, will be those who still have name and reputation recognition!

Welcome to LinkedIn Maverick Coaching!  I will use Facetime or another resource that works for you, to give you one-on-one LinkedIn Training so that we can build your brand! Here is the process:

A one-hour session will be $35 or for three sessions, a total of $90.

Send me a message in LinkedIn or email at

I am offering sessions during the week:

Monday-Friday between 9 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. including what may be your lunch time. If none of the openings work for your schedule, I will also arrange for a Saturday session.

You will need to connect with me on LinkedIn if we are not already, so watch for my invite. Why? I am going to analyze your profile, and if you have one, your company page as well, before our session.

When we meet virtually, I will train you on key areas that look important for you to develop, assist you online while on the call to make changes, and recommend continued practice. If you find you want additional sessions, I am going to give you homework!