Our philosophy is that strategic thinking is a practice and skill which should be at the basis for every decision made which could impact your operation and your customers. From a PR plan for a grand opening to the launch of a new product or service or the onboarding of employees during an acquisition, Managing Communications has the experience to steer the process for developing strategic plans.
Whether you engage our firm to support public relations, marketing, or internal communications, our relationship with you as a new client will begin with strategic planning. A strategic plan must be viewed as the foundation for everything your organization does to increase sales or funding, establish or increase brand awareness, and continue to serve your customers with legendary service.
When we audit, refine or create a strategic plan, you can expect us to identify opportunities to align your goals with your actions and to build specific expected outcomes.
Scope of Strategic Planning
- Analyze current market or organization research, both internal and external, primary and secondary
- Identify targets, market or audience segments, and stakeholders
- Analyze the competitive landscape, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and needs
- Identify management buy-in stages, concerns, and approvals
- Develop clear goals, objectives, strategies, tactics, timelines, measurements for outcomes, budget and other customized aspects of strategic planning
- Create implementation plans and monitoring vehicles
- Manage or facilitate periodic evaluation